The Shining is a 1980’s classic horror movie. Directed by the mastermind Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), it stars Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers, and Danny Lloyd. When a family temporarily moves in into a hotel for the winter, eerie events unfold. To get to the bottom, read the article and watch “The Shining.”
Jack Torrence (played by Nicholson), a former teacher, is looking to turn a new leaf in his life. Luckily, he has found a superb job as a watchman at a hotel.
But not just any resort, namely the impeccable “Overlook Hotel.” A hotel designed for upscale guests. However, located at 4,000 meters above sea level, it is hardly a desired destination during the cold winter.
Despite being closed for the season, just like any property, it requires maintenance. Therefore, during the next five months and until its re-opening in Sommer of next year, Jack will do the following chores on a daily routine:
- Run the boiler
- Heat different areas of the hotel
- Repair occasional damages
- Watch the facilities
A job not so demanding, per se, but mentally challenging due to the isolation side effects. Upfront, the manager confesses to him that the preceding caretaker killed his wife and two daughters a decade earlier (1970).
But that doesn’t seem to bother him. Admittedly, confinement is what he is looking for, as he is in the early stages of writing a novel. So, with the companionship of his wife Wendy (Duvall), and his son Danny (Lloyd), Jack is ecstatic.
Yet Danny isn’t the typical kid. He possesses telepathic powers and can communicate with others such as the head chef, named Dick Hallorann (Crothers). Dick explains this unique gift as “the shining” and warns him about the previous spirits in the “Overlook Hotel.”
Firstly, the days unravel as expected, Jack completing his morning routine and spending the evenings in the lounge to tackle his writing. Nonetheless, that schedule quickly derails as he begins having sleep deprivation and devilish nightmares.
Lately, it seems as if some essence has taken over Jack. He has turned into a psychopathic killer with a mentality much iller than you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams. Will Wendy and Danny survive or meet their faith like the previous family?
“The Shining” movie has become an 80’s cinematic debate ongoing to this day. Some fans praise the movie whereas some critics trash it. What are your thoughts?
Lastly, it is based on Stephen King’s 1977 book. To enhance the story, I recommend watching its sequel, “Doctor Sleep” (2019).
To read Music, Movies, and Me’s 2021 Halloween special, click on “Zombieland: Double Tap.”
Watch “The Shining” film teaser in the link below.
- “The Shining” movie. Directed by Stanley Kubrick (Warner Bros., 1980). ↩︎
- “The Shining” movie. Directed by Stanley Kubrick (Warner Bros., 1980). ↩︎
- “The Shining” movie. Directed by Stanley Kubrick (Warner Bros., 1980). ↩︎