The Spectacular Now is a romantic drama that premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. It stars Miles Teller, Shailene Woodley, Brie Larson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and is directed by James Ponsoldt. As college gets closer, a student must face his past and present to decide his future.
Sutter (played by Teller) seems to have it all. He is popular, the light of the parties, and has a beautiful girlfriend named Cassidy (Larson). However, that changes once she breaks up with him. But worse of all, he must face reality once the parties are over.
At home, he lives with his mother Sara (Leigh) with whom he always has had an arduous relationship. Namely, because she has prohibited him from contacting his estranged father. To numb the pain, he is a heavy drinker.
One day, after passing out in a yard, he meets Aimee (Woodley). Despite not knowing who she is, she does. Hence as they acquaintance each other, they realize they might be a great team. After all, Sutter needs help with his math class whereas Aimee needs that extra push to pursue her dreams.
After much work, Aimee has been accepted to a college in Philadelphia. Therefore, once their relationship becomes more serious, she asks Sutter to come along so they can start a new future together.
“You think beauty is in some class or textbook and it is not.
-Sutter, The Spectacular Now (2013)
This right here is beautiful.”
Does Sutter accompany Aimee and is he ready to attend college? Nevertheless, before taking that big step, he is willing to get a hold of his father, for better or worse.
Luckily for Shailene and Miles, after going back and forth over the script for three years, they got the part. TSN is their breakthrough role.
Afterward, Shailene Woodley went on to appear in the summer blockbuster “The Fault In Our Stars” (2014) and Miles Teller in the highly acclaimed “Whiplash” (2014). His other features together include the Divergent series.
“The Spectacular Now” won the “Jury Prize Award” at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and is based on the book by Tim Tharp (2008).
Happy Birthday, Shailene!
Watch the look inside “The Spectacular Now” in the link below.
- “The Spectacular Now” movie. Directed by James Ponsoldt (21 Laps Entertainment, A24, 2013). ↩︎