Out of the Furnace is a crime drama movie that premiered at the American Film Institute in 2013. Directed by Scott Cooper and produced by DiCaprio, it stars Christian Bale, Casey Affleck, Woody Harrelson, Zoë Saldana, and Willem Dafoe. After a little brother goes missing, how far is an older brother willing to go? Know more about the “Out of the Furnace” movie review below.
Growing up in Braddock, Pennsylvania, is a struggle. Especially in a Rust Belt area, where the economy only declines and deindustrialization rises. So, living day-to-day is the only way to go. And that is what Russell Baze (played by Bale) is doing.
Hence, he works at a steel mill factory. Despite a small paycheck, it is enough to provide for his ill father and his beautiful girlfriend Lena (Saldana).
However, his younger brother, Rodney Baze (Affleck), an ex-army veteran, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is a contrasting story.
Unfortunately, Russell’s life turns upside down once he goes to jail. After serving his time, he re-adapts to his old living but without his partner, who has started a new relationship with the town’s police officer, Barnes (Whitaker).
In the meantime, Rodney joins illegal fights with the help of a bar owner named John Petty (Dafoe). After all, violence is all he knows due to the war. In hopes of pursuing bigger paychecks, Petty contacts drug dealer Harlan Degroat (Harrelson). Not long after, Baze goes missing.
Even though Officer Barnes is already on the case, Russell is willing to take matters into his own hands to seek vengeance. But he needs to be conscious that as easy as he served time, as simple it is to go back.
Despite that “Out of the Furnace” has a star-studded panel movie review, the scenes are broken down in a way for all of the actors to shine. Normally, Harrelson inclines toward comedy as shown in “The Edge of Seventeen” but proves he can switch it up and play the villain.
“Out of the Furnace” won the “Best Debut Award” at the “Rome Film Fest” (2013) for director Scott Cooper.
Watch the teaser trailer in the link below.
- “Out of the Furnace” movie. Directed by Scott Cooper (Relativity Media, 2013). ↩︎
- “Out of the Furnace” movie. Directed by Scott Cooper (Relativity Media, 2013). ↩︎