The Skeleton Twins is a comedy-drama movie starring Bill Harder, Kristen Wiig, Luke Wilson, and Ty Burrel. It premiered on January 18, 2014, at the Sundance Film Festival and is produced by Craig Johnson. It portrays a bond that perhaps only siblings will ever understand.
The movie starts with Milo Dean (played by Bill Harder) attempting suicide. His twin sister, Maggie Dean (Kristen Wiig), gets a call from the hospital. As she talks over the phone, she is holding a bunch of pills. A coincidence, perhaps.
Maggie visits Milo at the hospital but despite the circumstances, it feels like a reunion. After all, they haven’t seen each other in 10 years. Therefore, she argues that the best thing is for him to recover in her house, in New York.
Milo’s dreams of becoming an actor have failed. On the other hand, Maggie’s life is perfect. She is a successful dental hygienist, practices scuba diving, and is married to Lance (Luke Wilson). While in NY, Milo reconnects with an old friend named Rich (Ty Burrel).
As time passes, he starts puzzling the pieces together and learns that the pitch-perfect life of Maggie is a facade. She is cheating on her husband and taking birth control pills. Lance, however, thinks he is the one to blame for their infertility.
Later on, she discovers Milo and Rich’s whereabouts. This infuriates because Rich once took advantage of Milo. Angrily, she prevents them from seeing him. Consequently, he gets his revenge and tells Lance about her birth control.
Maggie claims that she was having a perfect life before he came intruding. Depressed, she hits her scuba class and leaves him a voicemail before deep-diving into the pool. Once again attempting suicide.
A key fact about their depression can be attributed to the fact that they never felt loved by their mother once their father passed away. Fortunately, after 10 years apart, they realize that they need each other for this time to be happy.
The perfect on-screen chemistry between Bill Harder and Kristen Wiig is the result of a special bond that ties them way back to Saturday Night Live. I can only imagine what it must have been on the set with these two.
“The Skeleton Twins” hits you like a roller coaster of emotions between dark and goofy scenes. Watch the following hilarious scene of Maggie and Milo goofing around.
- “The Skeleton Twins” movie. Directed by Craig Johnson (Roadside Attractions, 2014). ↩︎
- “The Skeleton Twins” movie. Directed by Craig Johnson (Roadside Attractions, 2014). ↩︎