Three Identical Strangers (Netflix) is a 2018 documentary that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Directed by Tim Wardle, it narrates the unbelievable story of three estranged triplets who finally reunite. But once a journalist digs up for answers, he uncovers an experiment.
On April 10th, National Siblings Day, I encourage you to cherish your brothers and sisters. You will, after knowing more about how the following research destroyed lives.
A family is composed of a father and mother figure. Once the couple is ready to take the next step, they expand their household by becoming pregnant.
The pregnancy cycle is astonishing. For the next 9 months, the fetus grows with the help of nutrients from the mother. Once the baby arrives, the nurture from the parents and siblings shapes the infant’s teenage years and adult life.
Back in 1980, Bobby Shafran left his parent’s nest to attend college. As he was walking down the aisles and heading to his new dormitory, he couldn’t help but notice that everyone kept calling him by another name. A mistake, perhaps.
But once he was in his dormitory, Michael Domnitz (student) asked him, “Are you adopted?” To which he replied, “Yes.” That same day, they drove towards the house of a guy named Eddy Galland. According to Michael, they were brothers.
Upon arriving at Eddy’s house, they stood next to each other. Shockingly enough, it was like looking at a mirror. From the same face attributions to the physical appearance. The resemblance was identical. Indeed, such an amazing story was made for the tabloids.
“When people ask me what is the most remarkable story,
-Howard Schneider, Journalist (2018)
I tell them it’s the story of the triplets.”
The next morning, while glancing at the newspaper’s front picture, David Kellman knew was the third one. So, he contacted his siblings to reunite after nineteen years apart.
Needless to say, the media had found their new favorite celebrities. Hence, their life did a 360. From the free entrance at clubs to making cameos in films to opening a restaurant called Triplets Roumanian Steakhouse, they were everywhere.
However, instead of focusing on the bright side like everybody else, journalist Lawrence Wright began investigating the reasons behind the partition in the first place.
Along the way, he discovered that such separation was part of a vile, unethical experiment conducted by Dr. Neubauer and the adoption agency. But what type of research?
“There are a lot of conspiracy theories about this story and why it has not been told in the past.
– Tim Waddle, Director (2017)
We never knew if we were going to make it.”
Namely, to place three individuals under three different living circumstances. Unfortunately, the study, the aims, and the conclusion will remain sealed until 2065.
Three Identical Strangers Netflix won the best “Special Jury Award” at Sundance for its storytelling. Lastly, for director Wardle, it took him 5 years to make such a private film.
Watch the following feature and make sure to add the documentary to your to-watch list.
- “Three Identical Strangers” documentary. Directed by Tim Wardle (CNN Films, 2018). ↩︎
- “Three Identical Strangers” documentary. Directed by Tim Wardle (CNN Films, 2018). ↩︎