La La Land is a musical movie drama that premiered at the “Venice International Film Festival” and was released in December 2016. Directed by Damien Chazelle (Whiplash), it stars Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, and John Legend. When two aspiring artists are chasing their dreams, how much are they willing to sacrifice to succeed?
L.A., California, better known as Hollywood, is where the lights, cameras, and action take place. After all, it is home to an array of film studios and record labels. For up-and-coming artists, this is the perfect place to get recognized by someone in the crowd.
Mia (played by Emma Stone) is an actress. During the days, she works as a barista at the Warner Bros. studios. Whenever possible, Mia is hands-on with every audition she can get, regardless of how small the role is.
Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) is a musician, who works as a pianist at the Liptons, a nightclub restaurant. Just like Mia, he is hands-on with whatever small gig he can earn. Therefore, he plays the keyboard for an ’80s-themed band in small events.
Moreover, they realize they both are aspiring artists, who are not quite there yet. As time transcends, their romance inspires them not just to daydream, but to take action.
The City of Stars
Therefore, she ditches the small auditions and embarks on creating her show. On the other hand, he begins playing in a real band with his friend Keith (John Legend).
However, once they are reaching for the stars, their relationship starts drifting apart. To make matters worse, Mia experiences failure when her show bombs, whereas Sebastian is no longer fond of the band’s music. He wishes to open his club to revive a dying genre: Jazz.
On a lovely night, they realize what they must sacrifice to succeed as solo artists: love. Do they ever cross paths in life?
“La La Land” is not only a cinema for artists trying to endure in the Art industry. It applies to anyone attempting to make it in life.
In addition, it shines hope that anything is possible and it is never too late to audition for your dream goal. If you must be a fool to dream, then so be it.
“Here is to the fools who dream.
-Mia, Audition (The Fools Who Dream)
Crazy as they may seem.”
Finally, “La La Land” culminates a perfect trilogy for Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. Firstly, they shared the screen in the comedy “Crazy, Stupid, Love” (2011), and followed it up with the crime-drama, “Gangster Squad” (2013). Damien Chazelle masterfully orchestrates his second musical after “Whiplash.”
Happy New Year in advance, everyone, and see you in 2021!
Check out their perfectly executed one-take scene and listen to the “La La Land” Soundtrack in the link below.
- “La La Land” movie. Directed by Damien Chazelle (Summit Entertainment, 2016). ↩︎
- “La La Land” movie. Directed by Damien Chazelle (Summit Entertainment, 2016). ↩︎
- “La La Land” movie. Directed by Damien Chazelle (Summit Entertainment, 2016). ↩︎